A few of the rituals of modern Islam are traceable to pagan roots, here are some practised before and after the emergence of Muhammad:
In pagan Arabia, the sa'ibah was an animal dedicated to a god that was left to pasture without attention. The mother of the bahirah (she-camel), after ten successful births the sa'ibah was not ridden or milked and was allowed to wander where she wished - becoming the sole property of the god whose shrine she wandered near. Muhammad ibn Abd-'Allah, prophet of Islam, vehemently condemned and outlawed the practice of sa'ibah, wasilah, bahirah and hamiyah.
The tawaf ritual was performed both during the pilgrimage to a shrine (Hajj) or in home worship. In the home, the household would set up a baetyl and circumambulate it seven times whilst uttering the talbiyah invocation: seven being a mystical number to the pagan Arabs as it was significant of the seven planets. Reportedly, the pagan Arabs would perform the tawaf naked as they refused to approach their gods in the clothes they had sinned in although from an Islamic point of view, this practice was seen as blasphemous and disrespectful and as a prime example of pre-Islamic ignorance or jahiliyyah.
The Hajj is a pilgrimage to the Ka'aba in Mecca, the holiest site in the Islamic world. This ritual however is truly pre-Islamic, when tribes all across the Arabian peninsula would forget their tribal feuding and converge upon the city for worship and trade. This practice originated amongst the pagan Arabs but was not exclusive to them, as Christian and Jewish tribes would also join the pagans in festivities, trading of goods and worship. The pagans of Mecca even included images of Mary, Jesus and Abraham in the Ka'aba to attract the attention of the other faiths, displaying that Christianity and Judaism in pre-Islamic Arabia often enjoyed a syncretic relationship with the native polytheistic animism of the region. It is noted too, that the pagan Arabs would shave their heads whilst on the hajj to the various shrines near Mecca and Yathrib.
Janazah is the Arabic term for burial practices, or 'funeral'. In pre-Islamic Arabia, rites associated with mourning were called al-Niyaha ('the Lamentations') which Arab women performed by shaving their heads, scratching their faces and tearing their clothes whilst wailing and shrieking loudly; the latter being said to drive away evil spirits from the corpse of the deceased. An Arab man who was a member of the deceased's family would perform niyaha by wearing sackcloth or some other coarse material and spreading sand on their heads: what this symbolized is unclear but it important to note that this ritual is indentical to that of the Hebrews and also the people of Ugarit. Grave goods were often buried with the deceased and in the case of pagan sheikhs, a camel would be tethered at the grave and left to starve so that it would accompany the sheikh to the afterlife (akhirah). Poets often expressed that they wished for the graves of their loved ones to be "refreshed with abundant rain".
The Hajj is a pilgrimage to the Ka'aba in Mecca, the holiest site in the Islamic world. This ritual however is truly pre-Islamic, when tribes all across the Arabian peninsula would forget their tribal feuding and converge upon the city for worship and trade. This practice originated amongst the pagan Arabs but was not exclusive to them, as Christian and Jewish tribes would also join the pagans in festivities, trading of goods and worship. The pagans of Mecca even included images of Mary, Jesus and Abraham in the Ka'aba to attract the attention of the other faiths, displaying that Christianity and Judaism in pre-Islamic Arabia often enjoyed a syncretic relationship with the native polytheistic animism of the region. It is noted too, that the pagan Arabs would shave their heads whilst on the hajj to the various shrines near Mecca and Yathrib.
Janazah is the Arabic term for burial practices, or 'funeral'. In pre-Islamic Arabia, rites associated with mourning were called al-Niyaha ('the Lamentations') which Arab women performed by shaving their heads, scratching their faces and tearing their clothes whilst wailing and shrieking loudly; the latter being said to drive away evil spirits from the corpse of the deceased. An Arab man who was a member of the deceased's family would perform niyaha by wearing sackcloth or some other coarse material and spreading sand on their heads: what this symbolized is unclear but it important to note that this ritual is indentical to that of the Hebrews and also the people of Ugarit. Grave goods were often buried with the deceased and in the case of pagan sheikhs, a camel would be tethered at the grave and left to starve so that it would accompany the sheikh to the afterlife (akhirah). Poets often expressed that they wished for the graves of their loved ones to be "refreshed with abundant rain".
In pre-Islamic Arabian religion, the talbiyah was a prayer: a chant that was loudly acclaimed by worshipers as they completed a processional circuit around an idol, temple or sacred stone which was the abode of a divinity during a pilgrimage. The purpose of the talbiyah was to show gratitude to the deity or deities for assisting and supporting their devotees; in addition to placing emphasis on the benevolence and power of the deity.The main talbiyah in the pre-Islamic period differed from its incarnation post-Muhammad in that it proclaimed that there were other gods besides Allah although it asserted the fact that Allah was supreme even among the polytheists.
''Labbayka Allāhumma! Labbayka! Labbayka lā sharika laka, illa sharikun huwa laka, Tamlikuhu wa-mā malaka.''
This pre-Islamic talbiyah translates as:
''At thy service O Deity! At thy service! At thy service!
Thou hast no associate save the one who is thine,
Thou hast dominion over him and over what he possesseth.''
The point of this was to proclaim Allah's glory even over the other pagan gods who were powerless to intercede on behalf of the worshiper without the high god Allah's sanction. The word 'Allāhumma' was used as an invocation to any divine being during the pre-Islamic hajj and was not specific to Allāh alone. There was also another talbiyah of the Quraysh in specific veneration of the warrior god Hubal which goes as:
"Labbayka Allāhuma! Labbayka, innana laqah. Haramtana 'ala assinati ar-rimah. Yahsuduna an-nasu 'ala an-najah."
Translated into English, this talbiyah reads as
"At thy service O Deity! At thy service, we are immune. Thou hast protected us from the edges of the lances. People envy us for our success."
The talbiyah ritual was carried through into Islam as part of the Muslim hajj, although any references to polytheism were removed. The god Allah was considered to be the benevolent creator by the pagan Arabs and was believed to be remote, distant and inaccessible to the everyday man and woman; so other deities were called upon to intercede for Him or bring the worshiper closer to Him. The concept of shafā'a, that is, gods and goddesses interceding on behalf of Allah, is reflected especially in the myriad talbiyah that were chanted by the Quraysh and other Arab tribes as they circumambulated the Ka'aba, going as:
'Wa'l-Lāt-a wa'l Uzzā, wa Manāt-a al-thalithāta al-'ukhrā, Tilk al-gharāniq al-'ulā, wa inna shafā'ata-hunna la-turtajā.'
In English:
'By al-Lāt and al-'Uzzā, and Manāt, the third goddess, the other; Verily they are the most exalted cranes, and their intercession is to be hoped for.''
The talbiyah of the tribe of Banu Thaqif who lived in Ta'if, not far from Mecca, proclaimed Allah to be be superior to their tribal goddesses al-Lāt and al-'Uzzā; the verse going as:
'Uzzāhumu wa'l-Lātu fi yadayka, Dānat laka al-asnāmu ta'ziman ilayka, Qad adh'anat bi silmihā ilayka.'
Translated as:
'Al-'Uzzā and al-Lāt are in thy hands, Allāh; the idols submit to thee by glorifying thee; they approach thee submissively in devotion.'
'Labbayka j'al dhunubanā jubār, wa-hdinā li-awdahi al-manār, wa-matti'nā wa-mallinā bi-Jihār.'
'At thy service, let our trespasses be unpunished; lead us towards the clearest signpost; let us enjoy life for a long time and let us live long through Jihār.'
The talibiyah of the worshipers of Jihār, the chief god of the tribe of Hawazin and the patron deity of the 'Ukaz fair, went as:
'Labbayka j'al dhunubanā jubār, wa-hdinā li-awdahi al-manār, wa-matti'nā wa-mallinā bi-Jihār.'
This translates as:
'At thy service, let our trespasses be unpunished; lead us towards the clearest signpost; let us enjoy life for a long time and let us live long through Jihār.'
The Ifada was a ritual feast celebrated in honor of the weather god Quzah by the tribes of Mecca and was performed by facing his sanctuary at Muzdalifah during the rites of tahannuth. This festival was usually celebrated after the autumnal equinox.
In pagan Arabia, the sa'ibah was an animal dedicated to a god that was left to pasture without attention. The mother of the bahirah (she-camel), after ten successful births the sa'ibah was not ridden or milked and was allowed to wander where she wished - becoming the sole property of the god whose shrine she wandered near. Muhammad ibn Abd-'Allah, prophet of Islam, vehemently condemned and outlawed the practice of sa'ibah, wasilah, bahirah and hamiyah.
Qurban ("Nearness", "Sacrifice") was performed by sacrificing the first of the flock or the first of the harvest. Essentially it is thanking the god by offering it the first cut of what the family gained thus placating the god and gaining its blessing. This was a ritual shared by the Hebrew tribes of Palestine, who called it korban; with both the Arabic and Hebrew words meaning "nearness", a reference to the nearness felt by the worshiper towards the divinity.
The pagan Arabians would offer qurban to a deity in a very simplistic manner, addressing their gods and invoking them with a short prayer and then by spilling the blood of the animal on the altar, allotting portions of the sacrificed animals meat among the tribe. The god would be satisfied with the blood alone. Sacrificial offerings to the gods in pre-Islamic Arabia were not always of blood: the Arabs would often offer libations of milk, oil or wine; the first of the harvest (farā'i); incense; and expensive ornaments, to please the deity.
The altars of the pagan Najdi and Hijazi nomads were usually made of solid rock or built out of unhewn stone - the harshness of the desert steppe and the practical mindset of the Bedouin preventing the construction of more extravagant stone temples like those in Tayma and the kingdoms of the Yemen. This humble form of sacrifice was also the earliest among the Semitic peoples, originating with nomadic Hebrew and Arab tribes and continuing through with the Bedouin until the spread of Islam in the 6th century AD. In the sacred open air enclosure (haram) where sacrifices were offered, only the ritually clean and unarmed could enter to worship the baetyl or statue of the god installed there with worship being accompanied by music; clapping; dancing; whistling and prostrating before the enshrined god or goddess.
On a related matter, the practice of qurban was also shared by the cousins of the Arabs: the Midianites, Hebrews and Edomites to the north-west of the Arabian peninsula who would offer a sacrifice of an animal (or very rarely a human) at the infamous High Places attested to in the Hebrew Bible. The sedentary peoples of Yemen, Mecca and the north Arabian oases practised qurban too, but on a more complicated scale with established temples and a priesthood (kuhaniyyah), though the original spiritual concepts of supplication and placation were still maintained.
Barakah in pre-Islamic Arabian thought is a term used to denote a blessing or a benevolent force that is generated from a god or goddess, which could be gained by various means including invocations; sacrifice; talismans; offerings of gifts to the deity, and by completing rituals such as the hajj pilgrimage.The Arabian barakah is equal in concept to the Hebrew berakhah and denoted any sanctifying power. In Islamic belief, however, Allah is the only source of barakah.
Tahannuth is the pre-Islamic Arabian term used to denote devotional religious practices that were performed by the pagan Quraysh either during the hajj pilgrimage or on the month of Ramadan. The rites included various acts of charity such as feeding the poor and freeing slaves, in addition to mystical rites (manasik): the main of which involved undertaking a sojourn ('ukuf) to the shrines (masajid) and high places in the mountains of Mecca, where for one night they would dwell, and offer prayers (du'a), fast, and meditate in the presence of gods and spirits. The tahannuth concluded with the devotees returning back to Mecca from their retreat at the shrines and circumambulating the Ka'aba seven times in a week, in veneration of the seven planets of antiquity. The various retreats where the pagan Arabs would perform their rites included shrines located at Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah.
The pagan Arabians would offer qurban to a deity in a very simplistic manner, addressing their gods and invoking them with a short prayer and then by spilling the blood of the animal on the altar, allotting portions of the sacrificed animals meat among the tribe. The god would be satisfied with the blood alone. Sacrificial offerings to the gods in pre-Islamic Arabia were not always of blood: the Arabs would often offer libations of milk, oil or wine; the first of the harvest (farā'i); incense; and expensive ornaments, to please the deity.
The altars of the pagan Najdi and Hijazi nomads were usually made of solid rock or built out of unhewn stone - the harshness of the desert steppe and the practical mindset of the Bedouin preventing the construction of more extravagant stone temples like those in Tayma and the kingdoms of the Yemen. This humble form of sacrifice was also the earliest among the Semitic peoples, originating with nomadic Hebrew and Arab tribes and continuing through with the Bedouin until the spread of Islam in the 6th century AD. In the sacred open air enclosure (haram) where sacrifices were offered, only the ritually clean and unarmed could enter to worship the baetyl or statue of the god installed there with worship being accompanied by music; clapping; dancing; whistling and prostrating before the enshrined god or goddess.
On a related matter, the practice of qurban was also shared by the cousins of the Arabs: the Midianites, Hebrews and Edomites to the north-west of the Arabian peninsula who would offer a sacrifice of an animal (or very rarely a human) at the infamous High Places attested to in the Hebrew Bible. The sedentary peoples of Yemen, Mecca and the north Arabian oases practised qurban too, but on a more complicated scale with established temples and a priesthood (kuhaniyyah), though the original spiritual concepts of supplication and placation were still maintained.
Barakah in pre-Islamic Arabian thought is a term used to denote a blessing or a benevolent force that is generated from a god or goddess, which could be gained by various means including invocations; sacrifice; talismans; offerings of gifts to the deity, and by completing rituals such as the hajj pilgrimage.The Arabian barakah is equal in concept to the Hebrew berakhah and denoted any sanctifying power. In Islamic belief, however, Allah is the only source of barakah.
Tahannuth is the pre-Islamic Arabian term used to denote devotional religious practices that were performed by the pagan Quraysh either during the hajj pilgrimage or on the month of Ramadan. The rites included various acts of charity such as feeding the poor and freeing slaves, in addition to mystical rites (manasik): the main of which involved undertaking a sojourn ('ukuf) to the shrines (masajid) and high places in the mountains of Mecca, where for one night they would dwell, and offer prayers (du'a), fast, and meditate in the presence of gods and spirits. The tahannuth concluded with the devotees returning back to Mecca from their retreat at the shrines and circumambulating the Ka'aba seven times in a week, in veneration of the seven planets of antiquity. The various retreats where the pagan Arabs would perform their rites included shrines located at Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah.
Thank you very much for reading! I'm delighted more people are taking interest in pre-Islamic Arabian history and religious practices
ReplyDeleteGood read. As a muslim this brings islam into clearer focus.
ReplyDeleteSalaam, this is very interesting, could you direct me to some good sources on the different talbiyahs?
ReplyDeleteWa alaykum as-salaama wa barakat, this link https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=GcgCErhKGrAC&pg=PA300&lpg=PA300&dq=Muharriq++idol&source=bl&ots=DYIBkHfvfZ&sig=dniNTUnqLY9Ajpx8yeTtihBaKsY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2lPjDo6fJAhXF6xQKHbdvDLoQ6AEIJTAB#v=onepage&q=talbiya&f=false which you will unfortunately have to copy and paste is the only source i have on the pre-Islamic talbiyah. Hopefully it helps.
DeleteAlso recommend from Ibn al-Kalbi http://answering-islam.org/Books/Al-Kalbi/introduction.htm
DeleteWonderful blog...!
ReplyDeleteOnline Religious Artifacts
Thank you!
DeleteHi there,
ReplyDeleteI am astounded by your knowledge. Becaude i have read books by Ibn Kalbi etc.. prior to reading your blog. However this has brought so many things into clear perspective. Is there any way I can contact you. Please send me a mail @ fearlessdaredevil@coldsweat.in ) im based in Abu Dhabi. If you have facebook it would be great. The GODS bless you.
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteI am astounded by your knowledge. Becaude i have read books by Ibn Kalbi etc.. prior to reading your blog. However this has brought so many things into clear perspective. Is there any way I can contact you. Please send me a mail @ fearlessdaredevil@coldsweat.in ) im based in Abu Dhabi. If you have facebook it would be great. The GODS bless you.
Hello and thank you. I have been committed to researching and studying the Semitic religions for 8 years now, and the pre-Islamic Arabic faith for 6 years, as part of religious duty. The study of it has been a good journey. I will email you soon, in the meantime there is hte facebook wathanism group https://www.facebook.com/groups/343678442344708/
DeleteAnd may the mighty Yaghuth strengthen and protect you.
DeleteSouth Arabians aren't Arabs. Please try to differentiate.
ReplyDeleteThe author is using the term 'Arab' to designate Semitic tribes originating anywhere in the Arabian peninsula. Which is what 'Arab' is widely understood to the greater population as. A person is not going to distinguish between Ishmaelite and Qahtanite when wanting to know about Arab mythology.
DeleteI don't like really like referring to those people as their biblical tribal name. Given by Jewish historian because you are giving Bible more credit credibility with analogy for choosing one religion over another. The Bible is a forger.
DeleteIf they originate of reside in South Arabia how could they not be Arabs when the word ARABS describe persons from Arabia. The word Arab defines a Nationality not a race. Perception is reality and over hundreds of years, people have perceived themselves to be of a distinct black, white, latino, Arab race but the fact remains, its olny one Race of people on Planet Earth...the Human Race. We differentiate ourselves from this One Human Race because of ego, hatred, ignorance and fear but its only one human race.
ReplyDeleteHumans are a species not a race.
DeleteIf they originate of reside in South Arabia how could they not be Arabs when the word ARABS describe persons from Arabia. The word Arab defines a Nationality not a race. Perception is reality and over hundreds of years, people have perceived themselves to be of a distinct black, white, latino, Arab race but the fact remains, its olny one Race of people on Planet Earth...the Human Race. We differentiate ourselves from this One Human Race because of ego, hatred, ignorance and fear but its only one human race.
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DeleteHello, interesting blog here. The Quran appears to address the pagan belief that Allah did NOT have full power over the intercession of lesser gods.
ReplyDeleteIam of the believe that pura Quran is referring to not only the prophets but pagan gods and it's tribal community (ie progeny of Adam) and epinamous ancestrer.. another example that isa was a god. Please read Kamal salibi's book
Deletethank you
ReplyDelete"over the other pagan gods who were powerless to intercede on behalf of the worshiper without the high god Allah's sanction"
ReplyDeleteNot true, they actually did believe they could intercede without His permission
DeleteAllah was an important deity
But Pagans considered him to be a deity like any other deity
He is just as El in Canaan (El means Allah in Arabic)
Do you have any information of how they prayed?
ReplyDeleteIs it ritualistic ect.?
Not all Pagans performed Tawaf naked
ReplyDeleteSome of them wore cloths
And an important note is to not take about Wathanism from ibn-al-kalbi book, he contradicts himself and his information are not authentic and aim to make the religion of Arabs before islam as an ugly religion.
It make islamIlook as ugly as it pagan roots .i highly doubt its credibility but archaeology have proven otherwise. He's right about certain practices. Read
DeleteRobert hoyland.
Is there anyone who considers him/her self a follower of this pagan religion like I do? If so, care to communicate?
ReplyDeletethe Islamic culture and prayer rituals had its roots and bound with its pre Islamic pagan Arabia that it is so hard to distinguish between the two of them. Even the Sharia it's Moreover hads its Arabian roots in its origine. I think someone had wrote a book about this phenomena the ritual practices that continued in this islamic Sharia. I'm glad that the blogger have distance its origin to the Hindu Nationalist Supreme East who claim that the Arabia was Hindu and bay the they way the name hindu was given by the Muslim invedaer it's a of political identity like Islam.
DeleteThe Hindu nationalism also claims that they are they are the original monotheistic religion.
DeleteHey Sulaim. I'm a worshipper. Its good to see conscious tribal Arabs like you yearning to return to the spirituality and faith of the ancestors. Please reply ASAP.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHey!!! Sorry I have forgot to check up on my comment! But here I am lol. On which website/app would you like to chat on?
DeleteFb? Insta? Mail me at fearlessdaredevil@coldsweat.in
DeleteIt is an excellent article. I want to contact you through email. My email is jimmasurender@gmail.com
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